Accreditation History of Postgraduate Programs

Historically the topic of accreditation of postgraduate programs is one dating to the 1980s. A summary of the history of the interest in postgraduate program accreditation follows.

March 2020Clinical Post-Graduate Subcommission is established and clinical postgraduate accreditation proceeds under revised process and standards.
September 2019The Commission approved the Clinical Postgraduate Accreditation Standards 3rd edition.
March 2018Clinical Postgraduate Accreditation Taskforce began working on developing a new process and updated standards.
September 2017ARC-PA Commission voted to clinical postgraduate PA programs out of abeyance.
August 2014Accreditation process placed in abeyance pending further study.
March 2008ARC-PA accredits first two clinical postgraduate PA programs
March 2007ARC-PA approves accreditation standards for clinical postgraduate PA programs
March 2006ARC-PA votes to begin providing accreditation services for clinical postgraduate PA programs
February 2006ARC-PA appoints committee to continue study of accreditation of post entry level PA programs
September 2005ARC-PA appoints committee to continue study of accreditation of post entry level PA programs
May 2005AAPA House of Delegates passes policy statement in opposition to accreditation of postgraduate programs. APPAP passes motion reaffirming its desire to have ARC-PA proceed in developing an accreditation process. Task force has final meeting in Orlando
November 2004Task force meets in Nashville, TN. Task force discusses working draft of accreditation process, policies, time line, costs, Standards
June 2004Task force meets in Las Vegas, NV. APPAP formally asks ARC-PA to develop an accreditation process with cost estimates.
October 2003Task force meets in Scottsdale, AZ
May 2003Task force meets in New Orleans, LA. Discussion of possible Standards.
March 2003ARC-PA decided that if there is to be an accreditation process, the ARC-PA should administer the process.
Oct – Dec 2002 Task Force members surveyed regarding issues related to accrediting postgraduate PA programs
March 2001Issue further discussed at ARC-PA meeting. ARC-PA invites APPAP, AAPA, APAP to join in Task Force
May 2000Meeting of APPAP representatives and ARC-PA
September 1999Workgroup reported issues identified and requested a meeting of the ARC-PA and APPAP to further explore the issue.
March 1999The ARC-PA received a request from APPAP president to reconsider accrediting its member programs. A workgroup was appointed.
March 1994The Committee declined to be involved in accrediting of post-graduate programs but offered technical assistance regarding the development of separate Standards.
September 1992The ARC-PA entertained a presentation from representatives of the Association of Post-graduate Physician Assistant Programs (APPAP). Over the ensuing months additional information was garnered.
March 1985The Joint Review Committee again brought up the issue of reconsidering the advisability of expanding the scope of its review to include post-graduate physician assistant programs. No decision was made.
February 1981An adhoc Committee was appointed and reported its findings. It was the Joint Review Committee consensus opinion that it was inappropriate for the JRC to review post-graduate physician assistant programs at that time.
February 1980The Joint Review Committee was first approached to review the issue of accrediting postgraduate physician assistant programs.